How to Increase Your Confidence

Confidence is a state of mind that can be hard to achieve. If you are someone who is naturally more introverted, finding your confident side can be a challenge. However, it is so important to find your power as a woman and become confident in your skills so that you can pursue your dreams. Here are some tips for things you can do to help you find your confident side.

Connect With Others 

Connecting with people in your physical as well as your online life is so important. Checking out an introvert website where you feel you can understand others can be a great place to start. Start to connect with others in the world who are like minded, as well as those who aren’t, and begin to explore your own personality a little more. Many of us never take the chance to sit down and consider who we are, and a lot of the time this can impact us when trying to be more self-assured. By connecting with others you’ll learn more about yourself and this will help you build a sense of self confidence. 

Share Your Story 

If you are someone who is shy or reserved, a blog can be a brilliant way to reach out and try to be more confident. If you struggle talking to people in person, sharing things about yourself through a written blog or a YouTube channel can be a valuable way to improve your confidence and make you feel seen. Try it and see how it makes you feel. 

Practice a Talent 

If you have a talent in your life, such as painting or singing, take the opportunity now to practice it and hone it. Many people who lack self-confidence do so because they feel like they aren’t good at anything. However, if you start to practice a skill and get better at it, you will soon start to feel pride in your own talents and this will do wonders for your confidence. Once you know you have a skill, it will increase your confidence in trying other things. 

Eat Healthier 

Healthy eating is not only to look after your body, but your mind too. People who are shy and reclusive sometimes have issues with their appearances. Our diet can impact our fat content, our skin and the silkiness of our hair. If you are eating junk food all the time this will likely be clogging up your pores, as well as making your hair greasy much faster than with a healthy diet. Consider making the switch to healthier and more nutritious foods and you will soon see a shift in your skin, hair, nails and confidence too. 


Working out is another great way to improve your self-confidence because it will help to keep your body leaner and healthier. Many of us have body issues and it is only human to feel self-conscious about our problematic body parts from time to time. But you can do something about this by working out a couple of times a week.  Soon you will see a difference in your body shape, and this will give you confidence to wear the clothes you love and to feel good about yourself. 

Take Yourself on a Solo Adventure 

One of the biggest hurdles that you can overcome to improve your confidence is the fear of being on your own. If you have always relied on your parents or a partner, it is time to step away for a day or two and go off on your own adventure. By travelling somewhere on your own and experiencing it solo, you will feel more capable. This will do wonders for your confidence. Even a day trip to your local city can make all the difference. You will feel so much more independent and capable when you get home. 

Change Your Career 

Sometimes what stops us feeling confident is our job. If you feel stuck in a rut with your career, this will do nothing for your sense of worth and will dash your confidence. Consider making a change in career in 2022, and you’ll see a huge difference in your confidence. If you enjoy what you are doing, much good will follow.

Maria Olsen